Future Science Group
4 files

Patient preferences for breast cancer treatments: A discrete choice experiment in France, Ireland, Poland, Spain

posted on 2022-01-19, 10:40 authored by Eugena Stamuli, Sorcha Corry, Derek Ross, Thomais Konstantopoulou

Appendix 1: Participants information sheet

Appendix 2: Table 1: Heteroscedastic conditional logistic regression results

Appendix 3: This appendix presents the results of mixed logit models for pooled data and individual countries.

Table 1: Mixed logit models for pooled data

Table 2: Mixed logit models for individual countries

Appendix 4a: Interaction models to assess preferences by age and level of education

Appendix 4b: Interaction models to assess preferences by stage of cancer


Solid Tumors Franchise, Novartis Oncology Region Europe
