Supplementary movie2_unc-54(e190).wmvSupplementary data for: Cautionary note on the use of C. elegans to recapitulate muscle phenotypes caused by mutations in the MYH7 myosin gene
Movie 1. Thrashing
activity of wild type C. elegans
Movie 2. Thrashing
activity of unc-54(e190) mutants
Movie 3. Thrashing
activity of Punc-54::gfp transgenic animals
Movie 4. Thrashing
activity of Punc-54::unc-54(wt)::gfp transgenic animals
Movie 5. Thrashing activity of
Punc-54::unc-54(mut)::gfp transgenic animals
C. Paradas was supported by grants from the Health Institute Carlos III and FEDER (FIS PI16-01843) and the Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía (PI-0085-2016). A. Miranda-Vizuete was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2015-64408-P).