Figure S1: Molecular dynamics simulation of Myc protein extracted from Myc/MAX complex (PDB Id- 1NKP). (A) Before and after simulation structures of Myc. (B) Root mean square (Deviation; RMSD) and (Fluctuation; RMSF) analysis, and (C) Secondary structure element (SSE) analysis throughout the simulation period of 200 ns.
Figure S2: SSE analysis of unbound (29% SSE) (A) and Sal_Ac_B bound Myc200 (35% SSE) (B) during one microsecond simulation showed a gain in structural helicity after binding of compound, Sal_Ac_B.
Department of Science and Technology, India BT/11/IYBA/2018/06
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology Science and Engineering Research Board ECR/2017/000926 SB/S2/RJN-072/2015