(A) Human renal interstitial fibroblasts (hRIFs) were transfected with lentivirus carrying the full length of NEAT1 (Len-NEAT1) or lentivirus carrying different shRNAs targeting NEAT1 (Len-sh1-NEAT1; Len-sh2-NEAT1; Len-sh3-NEAT1), followed by osteogenic induction for 7 days, and qRT-PCR determined the NEAT1 expression to assess the efficiency. (B) The relative EGR1 and BMP2 protein level detected by WB in hRIFs transfected with EGR1 plasmids (p-EGR1) or control plasmids (p-ctrl). (C) QRT-PCR determined the relative miR-129-5p expression in hRIFs transfected with mimic-miR-129-5p or inhibitor-miR-129-5p. (D-E) The relative BMP2 protein level detected by WB in hRIFs transfected with mimic-miR-129-5p or inhibitor-miR-129-5p. (F) The relative alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in lysis from hRIFs co-transfected with either Len-NEAT1 or Len-ctrl and either mimic-miR-129-5p (mimic-129-5p) or mimic-ctrl 7 days after osteogenic induction. (G) The relative ALP activity in lysis from hRIFs co-transfected with either Len-sh-NEAT1 or Len-ctrl-sh and either inhibitor-miR-129-5p (inhibitor-129-5p) or inhibitor-ctrl 7 days after osteogenic induction. (H) QRT-PCR determined the enrichment of miR-129-5p expression in EGR1-coprecipitation to that of negative control IgG. (I) HRIFs were transfected with lentivirus carrying different shRNA targeting BMP2 (Len-sh1-BMP2; Len-sh2-BMP2; Len-sh3-BMP2), followed by osteogenic induction for 7 days, and qRT-PCR determined the BMP2 expression to assess the efficiency. (J) QRT-PCR determined the relative NEAT1 expression in hRIFs co-transfected with Len-ctrl or Len-NEAT1 and Len-ctrl-sh or Len-sh-BMP2 7 days after osteogenic induction. (K) Correlation analysis between the relative NEAT1 expression and the relative mRNA expression of BMP2 in NRP (n=19).
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81770705 to Hequn Chen; 82000761 to Yu Cui) and Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2017JJ3482 to Xiaoqiong Zhang).