Stress and Spirituality in relation to HPA Axis Gene Methylation among U.S. Black Women: Results from the BWHS and SSSH
Supplementary Figure 1. Genomic location of investigated CpGs. UCSC Genome Browser ( schematic representation depicting genomic localization of target sequence containing CpG(s) of interest for candidate genes, a) NR3C1, b) HSD11B1, c) HSD11B2, and d) FKBP5. Figure contains chromosomal position, nucleotide scale, and gene of interest (blue), which contains introns (arrowed lines, arrow direction depicts directionality of transcription) and exons (solid blue blocks), and CpG island distribution (solid green blocks). Genomic target sequence displayed below each schematic, including flanked chromosomal positions at the 5’ and 3’ positions, and investigated CpGs of interest (highlighted in red). |