Methylation status of VTRNA2-1/nc886 is stable across populations, monozygotic twin pairs and in majority of tissues. Supplementary data
Supplementary Table 1. This study used 48 DNA methylation datasets, including DILGOM, FTC, ERMA, KORA, LURIC, NELLI, SATSA and YFS as well as 39 datasets available in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) [29] consisting of >30 tissues and >30,000 individuals.
Supplementary Table 2. Differences in the proportion of individuals with imprinted nc886 locus between sexes or in a case–control setting.
Supplementary Table 3. Of these discordant pairs, one co-twin was always intermediately methylated, whereas the other co-twin was either imprinted or nonmethylated in all cases – that is, no twin pairs were identified in which one co-twin was imprinted and the other was nonmethylated.
Supplementary Data 1. It was established that although the imprinted group could be reliably identified across normalization methods, there were some inconsistencies between intermediately methylated individuals and nonmethylated individuals.