Future Science Group

nnm-2021-0164 - Supplementary Table 2

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posted on 2021-09-16, 09:28 authored by Amanda de Fraga Dias, Danieli Rosane Dallemole, Franciele Aline Bruinsmann, Luiz Fernando Lopes Silva, Olga Cruz-López, Ana Conejo-García, Ana Maria Oliveira Battastini, Joaquín María Campos, Silvia Stanisçuaski Guterres, Adriana Raffin Pohlmann, Fabrício Figueiró

Supplementary Table 2. Biochemical parameters after treatments in a rat glioma model pilot experiment


Funding This study is supported by CNPq (AF Dias fellowship and CNPq/PQ no. 302879/2017-0, AMO Battastini grant), FAPERGS (FAPERGS/PQG grant no. 19/2551-0001783-9; ARD grant no. 19/2551-0001269-1 and PRONEX no. 16-2551-0000467-6) and INCT/CNPq/CAPES/ FAPERGS grant no. 465671/2014-4).
