Supplementary Tables 1-4: Risk of impaired school performance in children hospitalized with concussion: a population-based matched cohort study.pdf
Supplementary Table 1. Frequency and proportion of young people hospitalized with concussion and matched peers not hospitalized with any injury absent or withdrawn from a NAPLAN assessment by school year, linked health and school performance data NSW, 2005–2018.
Supplementary Table 2. Health conditions and ICD-10-AM classifications.
Supplementary Table 3. Unadjusted and adjusted relative risks of not achieving NMS on NAPLAN assessments and not completing high school for young people hospitalized with concussion compared to matched peers not hospitalized with any injury by school year, linked health and school performance data NSW, 2005–2018.
Supplementary Table 4. School performance outcomes for young people hospitalized with concussion and matched peers not hospitalized with any injury by school year, linked health and school performance data NSW, 2005–2018.