Perspective on high-throughput bioanalysis to support in vitro assays in early drug discovery: Supplementary tables
As the desire for a shortened design/make/test/learn cycle increases in early drug discovery, the
pressure to rapidly deliver drug metabolism pharmacokinetic data continues to rise. From a bioanalytical
standpoint, in vitro assays are challenging because they are amenable to automation and thus capable
of generating a high number of samples for analysis. To keep up with analysis demands, automated
method development workflows, rapid sample analysis approaches and efficient data analysis software
must be utilized. This work provides an outline of how we implemented those three aspects to provide
bioanalytical support for in vitro drug metabolism pharmacokinetic assays, which include developing
hundreds of mass spectrometry methods and analyzing thousands of samples per week, while delivering
a median bioanalytical turnaround time of 1–2 business days.